Saturday, July 14, 2007

Rory's First Casting Call

Today, I entered the glamorous world of professional film acting.

Thirty seconds later, I exited. No word yet on whether I'll be back.

Until September, Warner Brothers is filming the new
Batman movie in downtown Chicago, and a few days ago, I heard about a special casting call going on today. Having been in love with Christian Bale since I first saw his red hot dance moves in Newsies, I had to go. They were only casting extras, but if standing on the street for 10 hours doing nothing meant I might catch a glimpse of my favorite actor and maybe even see him act, in person, it would be totally worth it.

Side note: I won't tell the whole story of my love for Christian Bale, lest I look like an obsessed loon, but I will say that if I somehow manage to marry him before I turn 40, there's an ice cream maker in it for me, thanks to a bet I made with my college roommate.

Anyway, last night, I had my husband take a head shot of me, and this morning, I headed into the city to seek my fortune in the film industry. Armed with our photos and pens (the two required items listed on the casting call annoncement), two pals and I reported to the call, where we were welcomed by a casting agent who announced that we were here for the film Rory's First Kiss. He explained that Rory's First Kiss was a Warner Brothers film starring Christian Bale and directed by Christopher Nolan, whose other credits include Batman Begins.

Um...of course they do; this was a casting call for a new Batman movie.

I don't understand why they insisted on calling the movie by a fake name. It's been announced on the news for weeks now that they're filming Batman downtown, and it's even been announced that they're calling it Rory's First Kiss. So who they think they're fooling -- or who they're even trying to fool at this point, since they haven't really tried up to now -- I'm not entirely sure. Even as he made the announcement, the casting guy told us to talk to others in line with us to get the scoop on what was going on. It was all very strange.

After a few minutes in line, we filled out our forms and filed into a room where we handed our papers to people who took digital headshots of us and sent us on our way. I know it was just extras casting, but I was kind of hoping for more, since I could have just mailed in my headshot and contact information from home and not wasted the entire morning driving in the city.

So now I'm just waiting to see if they'll call. This post-audition waiting period is always hard, but I think this time, it will be even harder -- not only because this is a feature film starring my favorite actor of all time, but because they're looking for thousands of people for crowd scenes, and if they don't call, that means there must be something really wrong with me. Or it means that they've read this blog entry and are afraid that my standing within 100 feet of Mr. Bale will result in troublesome legal action.

In any case, I think it would be wonderfully fun to be a part of a major motion picture being filmed in my town. I'd be a part of history -- even if I was just a speck on the screen, it would be cool to say I was there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You DO know that Rob works for Warner Bros. now, don't you? I seriously doubt that he could get you a part, but ya never know!