Friday, July 06, 2007

Happy Birthday, Stapling Jello! Here's Your Present!

Today is the one year anniversary of Stapling Jello, and although it wasn't planned that way, I got a present for it!

When I got home from work today, I was walking into my building when my husband came bounding down the stairs.

"Honey," he said, "I couldn't get my car into the garage. Could you check it out for me; there's something in the way."

I had absolutely no idea what to expect. Obviously, there was some sort of a surprise in the garage for me, but what in the world could it be? I thought it might be the bicycle my sweetheart told me he wanted to get me for a wedding present, but I didn't think he'd actually buy me one without my picking it out. I thought it might be a Wii, because we'd been looking for one ever since my sister-in-law and her fiance brought theirs to a family get-together.

I was kind of right, but not really.

In the garage sat a small cardboard box. On it, my husband had taped a piece of paper with a drawing of a bicycle. (This is the part I was right about). Still thinking a Wii was inside, I carried the box upstairs, opened it and could not believe my eyes. It wasn't a Wii.

My husband had bought me a laptop. A beautiful, brand new MacBook.

I'd been wanting a laptop; I'd been talking about it, and saving for it, for a few months now. But never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine my husband would buy one for me.

I'm still in shock. It's such a thoughtful, generous gift -- then again, I guess in that case, I shouldn't be surprised. My husband is the most thoughtful, generous man I know. Except, of course, my dad, whose generosity knows no bounds, given the fact that he raised me. Or maybe that's patience, I don't know.

It's not even so much that he bought me a nice present -- it's the fact that he got me something he knew I really, really wanted, something it would take awhile for me to get on my own. It was a wonderful surprise, from a wonderful, wonderful man.

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