Tuesday, July 31, 2007

An Open Letter To My Tummy

Dear Tummy,

For the sake of those reading this blog, I won't go into details about what you've done to me over the past 18 hours, but I wanted to take this opportunity to publicly implore you to stop.

I've been good to you. I haven't eaten any greasy or spicy foods, or dairy. I haven't been consuming alcohol. I haven't taken you on any rollercoasters. And when you started to feel woogly yesterday, I was good to you. I gave you Pepto, I gave you water and I gave you rest. Yet today, you continue, even after that lovely cup of peppermint tea I sent down to you.

It's time to stop, Friend Tummy. You and I both love our new couch, but this isn't the way to get more time on it.


1 comment:

Kari said...

Erika's pregnant .... *duck*