Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sometime, Anytime, Sugar Me Sweet

Over the weekend, I was telling someone about my good deeds, and she said she did something similar a few years ago. Instead of good deeds, however, she made it a point to say nice things to people she disliked or who upset her. She said it made her more patient and tolerant.

I liked that idea. There aren't too many people in this world I genuinely dislike, but I'm not very good hiding my feelings for those few. I'm never rude, but it's hard for me to go beyond "not rude."
One of the things I've always admired about my husband is his ability to be pleasant to anyone under any circumstances. He very rarely lets his feathers get ruffled, or, when he does, he finds a healthy way to vent and then goes right back to being pleasant. I would like to be able to do that.

So yesterday, I struck up a pleasant conversation with someone I dislike. It wasn't so bad. I don't know if it will really help us overcome our differences and become closer, but I think it was a good exercise for me nonetheless.

My good deed for today was bringing in a Wii game for a coworker to borrow.

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