Wednesday, February 06, 2008

40 Deeds and 40 Nights

Today is the first day of Lent, which for most people means the first day of depriving onesself of some pleasurable thing. Most people I know give up a food item, but I've also known a few who tried to give up bad habits like swearing.

I'm not what you'd call religious, although I do attend Mass. But the one religious tradition I do throw myself into is Lent. I like the idea of taking a period of time to improve something I don't like about myself. Giving up a food item or bad habit is pretty much a losing battle for me, though, plus when it comes to food especially, I'm pretty much trying to give up those bad habits all year long.

So this year, I've decided to do something different. I'm going to try to do one good deed every day. I like doing nice things for people, but the truth is, I rarely go the extra mile. So I think that doing a good deed every day will put me on the path to becoming a more helpful person.

The rules are simple: a good deed has to be something I wouldn't normally do, and I can't do the same good deed for the same person more than once.

For today's good deed, I did the same thing someone did for me the other day that I so appreciated: I cleaned the snow off all the cars of my coworkers when I left for the day. Two of them came out while I was working, and I think they thought it was a little weird when they saw me brushing snow off all their cars, but considering the inches of heavy, wet snow that had accumulated today, I think they appreciated it too.

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