Monday, February 04, 2008

A Neighborly Day In This Beauty Wood

It was a long, wearying weekend, to say the least. I had planned to hibernate this winter, but just over a month into 2008, I realize that's not going to happen.

Yesterday, I was so exhausted that I actually fell asleep in the car on the way home from my husband's parents' house. I'm not a napper; I actually don't have the ability to fall asleep in the middle of the day or anywhere except my bed unless I am sick or beyond tired, so I must be more worn down than I thought.

To top things off, it snowed again last night. Somewhere between the hours of 6 and 10, we got a couple more inches. The first thought I had when I awoke this morning was, ugh, I'm going to have to clean off my car. Imagine my surprise when I took Stella out for her morning pee and noticed that someone had already cleaned it for me.

I think it might have been the guy who lives upstairs from us; I came home while he was shoveling out his parking spot the other night and had a chat with him about the snow. I know for a fact it wasn't McCrochety; his own car was still covered, plus he's really not the type to do a nice thing for its own sake.

Whoever did it, I'm very grateful. It's a small thing, but it meant a lot to me that someone took the time. And I hope that knowing he or she committed a random act of kindness brightened his or her day as much as the act brightened mine.

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