Sunday, February 10, 2008

Have You Had Your Sprinkle Today?

My good deed for today is a little weird, because it absolutely is something I would normally do in the course of a day, but I figure I can count it as a good deed because I did it today for a different reason than I normally do it.

The thing is, I spent all day playing Wii. Seriously all day -- I started somewhere between 10:30 and 11, and I stopped around 6. (I beat my first game ever, too.) So by that time, when it was dark and I was still sitting there in the pajamas I wore to bed last night, I figured there was really no reason to bother going through the motions of getting dressed, or even showering.

But in the end, I decided I probably should at least shower, because even though I'd just been sitting all day and probably didn't smell all that bad, my husband has to sleep right next to me. So out of respect for him (and myself, really, because I'd feel awful knowing my own husband thought I smelled bad) I bathed.

You're welcome, sweetheart.

1 comment:

hellokitty9276 said...

did you think to yourself "WWJD" and you thought he would shower to sleep with your husband?