Thursday, October 09, 2008

My Own List of 30 Skills

After reviewing the list of 30 skills to have before 30 (according to, I thought I'd put together my own list. Because when it comes right down to it, I don't think it's really important for me to know how to hard boil an egg.

I kept these from thefrisky's list.

1. Ask a man out
2. Send a thoughtful thank you note
3. Say "no" gracefully
4. Balance her checkbook
5. Read a map
6. Apologize when she's wrong
7. Dress for her body type
8. Feign interest

And here are the rest, according to me. Be it known that I am not proficient at all of these, but again, I've got 10 days.

9. Craft a well-written letter (be it a complaint letter to a company, a cover letter for a job or a letter to the editor of the local paper)
10. Bake a cake or cookies from scratch
11. Gracefully give and accept compliments
12. Gracefully give and accept criticism
13. Seek professional help (be it plumber, psychologist, lawyer, whatever)
14. Navigate a party full of strangers
15. Foster a new friendship
16. Make a clever joke at exactly the right time
17. Walk away from an argument with dignity, not parting shots
18. Find fulfilling ways to spend a free day
19. Special order something in a restaurant
20. Take a great photo
21. Defend herself, both verbally and physically
22. Cook a fantastic holiday meal
23. Clean everything in her home
24. Stand up for a good cause
25. Knowledgeably choose a candidate for public office
26. Laugh at herself
27. Put together a great outfit
28. Know how to do at least one thing no one else she knows knows how to do
29. Navigate a new city
30. Genuinely celebrate a friend's successes when faced with personal challenges

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