Sunday, September 30, 2007

We The Jury Find The Commercial Stupid

I think the good folks at Swiffer need to rethink their current commercial.

In the commercial, a woman testifying in court is recounting her discovery of a crime, claiming that she saw the evidence "all over the floor." The culprit, of course, is a broom which didn't pick up all a Swiffer would have picked up. I guess it's a clever enough idea for a commercial, but whoever wrote it made a really stupid mistake that makes me not want to buy Swiffer products. I don't want to reward the stupidity.

The attorney questioning the woman tells her to "point to the defendant," and, of course, she dramatically points to the broom, and everyone in the courtroom gasps. Why are these people gasping? Because she knows where the defendant sits? The attorney should have asked her to "point to the guilty party" or something; pointing to the defendant proves nothing except that she knows who is being tried for the crime, not who committed the crime.

I know it's just a commercial, but it bothers me to be exposed to these idiotic errors, because whoever wrote that script is probably a lot richer than I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Equally idiotic is the Swiffer Wet Jet commercial, which claims one small wet pad can clean a kitchen floor better than a whole bucket of water and real mop!