Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Season of Mist and Mellow Fruitfulness

Even though it's 90 degrees outside today, I can't help reveling in the fact that Labor Day is over, and it's almost fall!

My mom always says that fall depresses her, that it reminds her of death. But to me, it's a season of newness, of rebirth. When I was in school, fall was a time to reinvent myself -- new clothes, new classes, new activities, new friends and a chance to begin my studies on the right foot -- a clean slate.

Even though I haven't been in school for quite some time, I still think of fall as the beginning of my year. (And really, it is, considering my October birthday). I buy new clothes, set new goals and feel generally refreshed, as I enjoy the changing leaves and the crisp-but-not-yet-cold weather.

The clothes are, I think, my favorite part. I love sweaters and boots, and although I'm probably in the minority on this, I love new jeans (once they're worn in, they just don't have as nice a shape). Plus, fall clothes just look better, not just on me but on everyone. Fall colors are so much more flattering than the summer ones that usually leave everyone looking washed out, and the sturdiness of fall clothes is much preferable over the flimsy stuff people wear to keep cool in the summer, too often forgetting to buy what looks good on them. (I know it sounds mean, but seriously, if I see one more of those ultra-short skirts on an obese person, I swear, I'm going to start handing out coupons for free clothes that fit).

Fall is also the time for new TV. In the past, this hasn't always meant a lot, since I catch most of my TV in syndicated reruns, but this year, I'm chomping at the bit awaiting the Heroes season premiere. I'm going to try to pick up another show this year, to add to my watching repertoire, since my summertime addition, Flight of the Conchords, is done for the season.

And let's not forget the food (as if I could). Fall is the season for so many of my favorite foods. Some are truly seasonal, like apple and pumpkin items, some are things I've missed during the too-hot-to-eat-them summer, like pot roast and chili, and some are simply foods I associate with fall because of fall events and circumstances. For example, today I am craving some hot french fries covered in malt vinegar, like I used to enjoy at school football games, and chicken fingers and waffle fries with ranch dressing, like I used to order from my favorite place in my college town.

Fall also provides a lovely transition into the end of the year and holiday festivities. Once the pretty leaves have fallen and the light jacket weather has given way to sweater and heavy jacket weather, it's time for Thanksgiving, then Christmas.

So while others I know are bemoaning the fact that they will soon put away their flip flops and shorts, I say, bring on the fall!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Once the pretty leaves have fallen and the light jacket weather has given way to sweater and heavy jacket weather, it's time for Thanksgiving, then Christmas.

Oh God. Could you make it sound any more depressing? LOL ...