Friday, September 28, 2007

An Open Letter To Janet Evanovich

Dear Janet Evanovich,

I really enjoy reading your Stephanie Plum series, but there's something that has been bothering me since the first time I saw it in your books. I'm actually curious enough that I plan to go to your Web site after I post this message and e-mail you the link to my blog to invite you to comment.

Your character Lula (one of my favorites, by the way) is always described as a "former 'ho." Why the apostrophe in "'ho?" Perhaps I'm just not up on my streetwalker lingo, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what synonym for prostitute ends with the letters "ho." The only word that comes to mind is "whore," but if you were shortening "whore," you would need two apostrophes, because the "ho" is the middle of the word, and the whole point of the apostrophe is to replace missing letters. Is there a synonym for prostitute that actually ends in "ho?"

Please explain this to me, because, despite the fact that it is a really dorky thing to be asking about, it's driving me nuts.


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