Thursday, May 29, 2008

Gonna Make You Sweat Till You Bleed

I'm not normally one to condone violence, but I can't help siding with the man who took out his aggressions on a dude at the gym shouting things during a spin class. I want to write him a fan letter, I like him so much.

I hope The Shrieking Machine (who still visits my gym from time to time, but usually not when I'm there) took heed of this news story. When people work out, they want to be in their own worlds. They want to zone out from the rest of the world and concentrate on their bodies, to sweat away the stress of the everyday. Someone yelling "you go girl" during your workout does not lend itself to such zoning.

I would imagine, however, that kicking the ass of the person who is yelling "you go girl" is very satisfying, and probably a good workout to boot. The way I see it, it's a win-win for everyone but the person whose ass gets kicked, but let's face it, that person has it coming.

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