Thursday, May 01, 2008

I Have Run Out Of UPS Slogans That I Can Turn Into Nasty Comments About The Company

If I leave any legacy at all, I would like it to be that I brought down the tyrannical power that is the United Parcel Service.

Yesterday, there was a notice on my door at home saying that UPS had come to deliver a package and missed us. I hadn't been expecting anything, so I had no idea what it might have been or if it was even for me; the notice just had our last name on it (well, our last name misspelled anyway).

I called UPS to re-route the package (which it turned out was from Williams-Sonoma and addressed to my husband and me) to my work address and was told it would be delivered today. Deliveries usually come mid-morning, so at 11:30, when no package had shown up, I went online to track my delivery.

The activity report said the package had been re-routed yesterday but then showed it was out for delivery to my home address this morning, then had been re-routed to my work address for tomorrow, because apparently, yesterday's change didn't stick.

So, whoever sent me something from Williams-Sonoma, thank you. I'm sure I would love whatever it is if UPS would actually bring it to me. And to UPS -- watch out. I will bring you down. Oh yes, I will.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Rory spells my name wrong the whole time. All the letters, just not necessarily in the right order.