Friday, March 14, 2008

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

My efforts to be a more positive person were curbed this week when I was viciously attacked by the flu. It's hard to be happy when all of those things listed on the side of the NyQuil bottle are happening to you. Nevertheless, during my two days of confinement, I did find a few things to brighten my day.

1. I didn't have to cook or clean. In fact, when I offered to throw a load of laundry into the washer, my husband told me I should rest.

2. It didn't matter that there was nothing funny on TV, because laughing would have made me have a coughing fit, and those are painful.

3. I got some good mileage out of the blanket I crocheted for the couch earlier this winter.

4. I got a nice long nap with Stella. This was a positive thing for my husband, because I realized during this nap that there is zero chance I will ever kick him out of bed to make room for the dog, because she snores like nobody's business.

5. I could go to bed at 8 p.m. and sleep 11 hours straight. Most days I would never want to do this, but hey, if I gotta, I gotta.

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