Friday, December 08, 2006

An Open Letter To My Fiance, Regarding Mice

Dear Fiance,

I don't pull the girl card very often, but I'm going to have to do it now.

I am sorry that you think it is unacceptable for me to refuse to clean mouse traps, but that's just the way it has to be. I just cannot bring myself to look at or even come close to touching a dead mouse.

I offered to buy the poison stuff that makes them go outside to die, but you were afraid they would die in the walls. So I offered to buy the circular traps that close and kill them so you can just throw the whole thing away and never look at a mouse, but you said they were too expensive for something that was not reuseable.

When you insisted instead on buying the kind that snaps the mouse in half in front of your eyes, you promised that you wouldn't give me crap about not checking or touching the traps, so I hope you will stick to that.

Sorry, but mice are icky, and you need to be the manly man and take care of them all and protect me from the nasty vermin.

Hugs and kisses,

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