Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Aunt Erika

I'm an aunt!


At 9:22 a.m. today, my husband's brother's wife gave birth to a 6 lb. 15 oz. baby boy. This is a very exciting time for the whole family, of course, but for me, it has a very different significance.

Today is the day I really became an aunt. At least in my mind.

This is the couple's third child, so technically, as soon as I got married, I had a niece and nephew. But I didn't really feel like an aunt. The other two were born way before I came along; they were established members of the family when I became a part of it. And frankly, it's been weird enough getting used to calling myself someone's wife; I couldn't even think about the other corresponding titles that carried.

Until now. Now that I've settled into married life, I am firmly cemented in my husband's family. This new little baby has firmly cemented me in aunthood as well.

I hope to be a good aunt. I don't really know much about aunting, although I crocheted him a blanket, which seemed to me an aunt-like thing to do. I hope he likes it, and I hope he likes me.

But I have a hunch we'll get along just fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recommend calling yourself "Auntie Erika" as "Aunt Erika" unfortunately makes you sound about 700 years old :)