Sunday, April 18, 2010

The When

Tommy and I don't know each other very well, but we've never really gotten along.

Just to clarify, this Tommy isn't a person. I'm talking about the musical, based on The Who's 1969 album.

Yeah, didn't see that one coming, did you?

See, it all started when I graduated college and moved to Pittsburgh in May of 2000. I was the only one in my tight-knit group to graduate that semester, and when I moved away, my loneliness was made worse by the fact that all my friends were still together up at school.

It was a bad summer. I had a job and a few friends in Pittsburgh, but things didn't really come together for me there like I'd hoped they would. Meanwhile, most of my friends were spending their summer on a production of Tommy. Two hours away and lonely, I was very jealous that my friends were having such a good time working on a show. Whenever "Pinball Wizard" was played on the radio, I would scowl and change the station.

Funny how things can change in ten years. But we'll get to that in a minute.

It's been a long time since I've done any theatre, for various reasons. But as someone who used to do show after show after show and love it, I've felt the acting bug come back to bite me more than once. There is a theatre near me that puts on great shows, and every time they have auditions, I think about going but always think of some excuse to back out.

The other day, though, when I learned about auditions for this theatre's summer musical, for some reason, I knew I had to go. Despite the fact that I only had a few hours to prepare. Despite the fact that doing a musical is a huge time commitment. Despite the fact that I wasn't sure if I'd get stuck with a role I didn't want.

Despite the fact that the show is Tommy.

Alright, so the fact that the show is Tommy wouldn't really have deterred me. I mean, it's been ten years, and I've experienced worse things in life than a lonely summer. But I did think it was pretty funny that I was auditioning for a show I was once very bitter about missing out on.

Even funnier, I managed to score a lead role.

I'm actually really excited to get back into theatre. And after my first rehearsal yesterday, I think this will be a great show. It's been too long since I've done a great show.

I guess it's all in the timing.


Just Me said...
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Just Me said...

Hey, congratulations on landing a role!

Which part are you playing?

CAMC said...

Tommy's way better than Steve.

Erika said...

I totally didn't respond to that first comment. Sorry. I'm playing Mrs. Walker, Tommy's mother.

I'm excited because it's a lead role but more excited because I sing a whole song about how it's my 21st birthday, and the director actually thought I could play a 21-year-old.