Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Tweet of a Beautiful Friendship

I'm not a big Twitter follower of famous people, except for the ones who actually put out information I need or who are funny and relevant. The ones who just tweet about their fabulous lives and expensive stuff I can't afford aren't worth my time, even at 140 characters. 

One of the people I follow is Michael Hitchcock, who falls into the funny category. And well he should -- he's one of the regulars in Christopher Guest movies, several of which are prominent in my top ten favorites of all time.

I never thought I'd have much in common with Michael Hitchcock as a person, but today, on Twitter, he proved me wrong when he tweeted this message: If there's an Apocalypse and I'm the sole survivor, I hope that there's still Lactaid left in some of the abandoned stores.

It was nice to see I'm not the only one who has had that thought. Perhaps he and I could be real life friends after all. As long as he was willing to share the Lactaid.

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