Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Notes From My Corner, Or, Nothing All That Interesting Has Happened To Me Lately, But Something Important Did Happen Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago today, my fiance and I went out on our first date. The items below really have nothing to do with that, but I thought it was worth mentioning, especially considering I find things like the below items interesting enough to blog about.

* I bought a new microwave oven on Saturday. I wanted to get the one that had a pizza oven built into it, but it cost $100 more. Marla admonished me for even considering the pizza oven microwave, but the truth is, I make pizza often enough to find it handy. Well, I would if I had a pizza oven anyway. Plus there was a fun little handle and a tray you can take right out.

* Keebler now makes a "Right Bites" (their version of the 100 Calorie Pack) of Grasshopper Cookies. Man are they tasty.

* Didn't-Bother-To-Brush-Her-Hair-But-Did-Take-
The-Time-To-Put-On-Tights-Yes, Tights Lady from my gym must be a Stapling Jello reader, because she's started brushing her hair. Mind you, that makes it pretty frizzy and actually look worse than it did before, but I do have to give her a thumbs-up for her effort. She looks like she's gotten some highlights, too, which astounds me. Why spend the money on highlights on hair that looks like that? I know I'm being mean, but come on lady, let's be just a little practical here.

* I've resumed my practice of buying only pants that are sized "long," even if they are too long when I put them on in the store. High water pants do not look good, especially on someone who has big feet.

* I had a dream one night last week that I walked out of my office and my car had been stolen from the parking lot. The next day, I went shopping, and when I walked out of the store, it took me awhile to find my car because there was a big van parked next to it. Eerie, huh?

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