Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Warm And Fuzzy

I don't have too much to say when it comes to politics or politicians.

But I do have a lot to say about just about everything else, so I'd like to comment on an article I saw today about John and Elizabeth Edwards celebrating their anniversary at Wendy's.

As the story goes, the couple was so busy on their one-year anniversary that they didn't have time to eat a proper meal, so they went to Wendy's and decided to make it a tradition. Now, every year on their anniversary, they celebrate with a Wendy's meal.

I don't pay all that much attention to politics or politicians most of the time, but this is the second time I've heard a story about these two that just leaves me smiling. The other time was when someone told me that Elizabeth Edwards still wears the modest (read: cheap) ring her husband gave her 30 years ago when they married, rather than trading it in for a flashier piece once they had some money in the bank.

When I hear things like that about people, I just feel good. It's sweet. I once knew a woman who, even after a couple of decades of marriage, still celebrated with her husband the anniversary of their first date. I wonder if most couples married that long even remember the anniversary of their first date, let alone recognize it in any meaningful way.

In the thick of the early days of marriage myself, I find in these stories hope for the future. It's nice to know that couples married for many years can still enjoy the simple pleasures they did in their early days. And I have no doubt in my mind that someday, my husband and I will be one of those couples.

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